TPiB: Mummies
Tweens and teens in my library are separated not only by that HUGE stretch of year (twelve going to thirteen) but by what they are interested in. My teens seem to want movie programs where they can chill, do crafts, and play games in corners and socialize, or gaming programs where we have a variety of things for everyone.
My TWEENS, however, want ACTION and ADVENTURE and EVERYTHING! I have done Angry Birds, Just Dance 4 Wii, and am actively planning my summer themes to blend the two collaborative themes: Dig Up a Good Book (the youth theme) and Beneath the Surface (the teen theme) as these patrons are stuck between the two worlds.
Gumby like mummies using simple flexible wire and muslin. Or make it a recycle craft by using strips of old t-shirts. Cheap, easy and full of win. More information at Family Chic.
Hierogrlyphics Stone Tablet
You can use salt dough or self hardening clay to make Hieroglyphic stone tablets. Complete instructions here.
Mummify a Barbie
Visit your local thrift store and by some super cheap Barbies then allow your tweens to mummify them with this condensed process. You can eliminate steps if you want, or go for accuracy. There are also great instructions here.
If you don’t feel confident doing crafts on your own with scrounged materials (some don’t and that’s fine- do what’s comfortable for you), then there are always kits available at a variety of online places. Do a search for Egypt or archeology or mummys and see what comes up. I found things like these from Oriental Trading Company- see what you can order to fill out your program.
Filed under: archeology, Collaborative Summer Reading Program, Mummies, Teen Program in a Box, Teen Programming, TPIB, Tweens
About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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