Countdown’s Begun: Earth Day Dystopias

With the help of some awesome librarians, we came up with this list to share with your tweens and teens, as a preview of what can happen if things don’t start to change….

A Crack in the Sky (Greenhouse Chronicles) by Mark Peter Hughes
Earth Day Spin: Everyone has to live in domes to protect themselves from the destroyed atmosphere outside
Earth Day Spin: Everyone has to live in domes to protect themselves from the destroyed atmosphere outside

After the Snow by S. D. Crockett
Earth Day Spin: Global warming has killed the ocean currents, sending the world into a new ice age

All These Things I’ve Done – Gabrielle Zevin
Earth Day Spin: In 2083, water is carefully rationed, paper is almost non-existent, and coffee and chocolate is illegal

Ashes, Ashes – Jo Treggiari
Earth Day Spin: The end of the world has come and gone, and the weather is completely out of control.

Ashfall and Ashen Winter by Mike Mullin
Earth Day Spin: The supervolcano underneath Yellowstone National Park erupts, destroying the landscape and reverting the life they knew into one of survival.

Carbon Diaries 2015 & Carbon Diaries 2017 by Saci Loyd
Earth Day Spin: In the wake of ecological disasters, London imposes carbon rationing on their citizens
Dark Life series by Kat Falls
Earth Day Spin: Global warming has made the oceans rise and taken over a third of the land we currently know with it….

Empty by Suzanne Weyn
Earth Day Spin: The future is coming when all the fossil fuels have run out- no gas, no coal, no energy….

Epitaph Road by David Patneaude
Earth Day Spin: Plagues wiped out 97% of the male population- but was it accidental

Inhuman by Kat Falls
Earth Day Spin: Everything east of the Mississippi is off limits when a virus gets loose and turns humans into savages

Legend and Prodigy by Marie Lu
Earth Day Spin: Everyone is fighting to control the land, as borders and political influence around the world have shifted due to ecological disasters

Monument 14 by Emmy Laybourne
Earth Day Spin: Ecological disasters are tearing the world apart

Orleans by Sherri L. Smith
Earth Day Spin: After massive hurricanes and outbreaks of plagues, the entire Gulf Coast was quarantined and left for dead…

Ship Breaker and The Drowned Cities by Paolo Bacigalupi
Earth Day Spin: Ice caps have melted, taking with it a lot of the land we used to know, and the government has collapsed
Earth Day Spin: Ice caps have melted, taking with it a lot of the land we used to know, and the government has collapsed

Stung by Bethany Wiggins
Earth Day Spin: Genetically modified bees cause the downfall of the human race
Earth Day Spin: Genetically modified bees cause the downfall of the human race

The Last Survivor Series by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Earth Day Spin: Meteor hits the moon and pushes it closer to Earth, causing catastrophic results

The Water Wars by Cameron Stratcher
Earth Day: In the future, water is more precious than oil or gold…

Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld
Earth Day Spin: The world collapses because a virus takes out all the oil we use every day to run everything
Filed under: Collection Development, Earth Day, Reader's Advisory

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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