SOHO Teen Presents…What We Saw at Night by Jacquelyn Mitchard
Allie Kim suffers from Xeroderma Pigmentosum: a fatal allergy to sunlight that confines her and her two best friends, Rob and Juliet, to the night. When freewheeling Juliet takes up Parkour—the stunt-sport of scaling and leaping off tall buildings—Allie and Rob have no choice but to join her, if only to protect her. Though potentially deadly, Parkour after dark makes Allie feel truly alive, and for the first time equal to the “daytimers.”
On a random summer night, the trio catches a glimpse of what appears to be murder. Allie alone takes it upon herself to investigate, and the truth comes at an unthinkable price. Navigating the shadowy world of specialized XP care, extreme sports, and forbidden love, Allie ultimately uncovers a secret that upends everything she believes about the people she trusts the most.
I was lucky enough to read this book before the week kicked off and let me just tell you, when it comes to Parkour…in fact, no let me show you. Because I had to Google and find videos to really understand this concept:
Okay, so now that you understand the concept of this awesome sport it will help you understand how different and awesome this book is! Allie, Rob, and Juliet with their fatal allergy to sunlight must find some fun thing to do at night when hanging out and this is their newly discovered passion. However, while scaling buildings one night, Allie is pretty sure she witnesses a murder. Her friends semi-believe her but it is a bit hard to believe and so Allie decides that she will just figure this out all on her own. This book is rife with new concepts in YA literature and involves such a great cast of characters that it is a perfect read for guys and girls.
The mystery, the suspense…all there and in perfect amounts for the teen reader who wants more than a hokey mystery novel but a mystery novel that even adults would love too. All in all, very impressive debut book from SOHO Press and I can’t wait to tell you more about the rest of the books this week!
And now, Jacquelyn Mitchard will share her awesome answers to some of the questions that I sent over for her!Favorite book when you were a child: Charlotte’s Web, by EB White
Book you’ve faked reading: Remembrance of Things Past (OMG BORING)
Something others think is completely weird about me but I find completely normal is: I have a morbid fear of eggs because they’re one cell
If stranded on a desert island, what are the five items you would bring with you? My iPad (if I had one), my dog (Dante), Nonfat Vente Salted Caramel Mocha Extra Hot with Whip, Philosophy Amazing Grace Body Butter, the Complete Works of Shakespeare, my Maui Jim’s (that’s six, but I don’t really HAVE the iPad)
Most embarrassing teen moment: At awards night, I got up and actually started walking up the aisle to accept the English prize only to realize that they’d called Linda Bubon’s name
What was the happiest day of your life? The day I found out I was pregnant, and the day I found out I wasn’t pregnant
Do you have a favorite mystery writer and what book would you recommend by this writer for all to read? Denise Mina, and it’s called ‘Field of Blood,’ an AWFUL name and an AMAZING book
Zombies or Vampires? Vampires. Please. A little elegance? Dumb flesh-eating morons versus people who’ve seen epochs of culture and been master of all of them, and then grown bored?
Describe your book in 140 characters: 3 BFF’S, doomed by genetics to live by night, do battle with a human monster
One thing that you wished people would ask you but they never do: What’s your REAL talent? (I can repeat any song lyric I’ve heard once, word for word)
Don’t forget to enter our drawing for some awesome prizes via SOHO Teen! There will be more than one winner!!! =)
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About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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Just finished this one and loved it! Such an interesting premise and a great mystery!
This one looks good! Thanks for the giveaway!
I have heard a few good things about What we saw at Night, but I am having trouble convincing other YA orders to try it. I f I had a copy I could convert them.