Top 10 Things I Learned From Buffy The Vampire Slayer by Christie G
10. Librarians are freaking awesome.
When asked in an interview years ago why he writes these strong female characters, he simply responded, “Because you’re still asking me that question.”
Check out these awesome website for more of The Sunnydale Project
Bookish Comforts
Patricia’s Particularity
The Sunnydale Project is a look back on all things Buffy by fans. Buffy and all that it entails is owned by Joss Whedon, who is awesome.
Did you notice some words written in red in this post? If not, go back and take a look. You’ll want to, I can reassure you. Why? Because we are having a Buffy themed scavenger hunt! How fun is that? To find out how to participate, read the details below. And I know you’ll want to participate because we are working on getting some GREAT prizes lined up for the winners!
Each week on our Slayer Saturday posts look for the words highlighted. There will be 3 sets of words each weekend, so make sure to visit all three blogs (Bookish Comforts, Patricia’s Particularity and Teen Librarian Toolbox).
Write down the words each week (Sept. 8 – Oct. 20), putting them in an order that makes sense. All together these words create a quote from Buffy.
During the last week a form will be made available on all three blogs where you can turn in the quote that you have pieced together.
On the last weekend of The Sunnydale Project, Oct. 27, the quote will be revealed! We will then draw a winner from those who have correctly completed the quote.
Filed under: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Joss Whedon, The Sunnydale Project

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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These are some great lessons to take away from the show and I've totally learned all of them.
I hadn't heard Whedon's quote before but I love that he said that and that he continues to proven that girl's can/should/will kick ass in every one of his scripts.
I have to admit, I got a few chills when you were talking about Spike's story arc.
Spike and Willow have always been my two favorites since the start, and the fact that Spike goes so back and forth in his story is just masterful- especially when you know they didn't start out with OH, let's take this bleached blond punk and have him save the world at the end. If you read a little into it, he actually wasn't supposed to *be* a main character at all.
I'm completely geeking out to see what he'll do with TV and the S.H.I.E.L.D. project….
If you love Spike and Willow – come check out the current comic season! Spike has his own mini going on right now, and Willow is still kicking butt (currently, she's hanging out at the Angel and Faith comic, but she has her own mini coming up too.)
Another lesson I love? Gender roles are out the door. Who is the “heart” of the gang? Xander. Who is the “Brain”? Willow. I can't remember right now what episode it was that came right out and said that, but I loved it. (It was one where they had to take those roles for a spell.)