Cover Reveal and Contest: Vala: Heritage by J. F. Jenkins
What an exciting day! What is it like for an author when they finally sees the cover for their newest title? Each book is a labor of love, you pour your heart and soul into the words on a page and then you must trust an artist to come up with a cover that will help sell your vision to the world at large. We all do, judge a book by its cover. The cover can help determine whether or not someone takes that book, picks it up and thumbs through its pages. The cover is the moment that helps us all decide – should I? Today J. F. Jenkins shares the cover of her newest book, Vala: Heritage. Today she joins us to talk about her Vala series and share what it’s like to receive the cover art of a new title.
“Cheyenne Loveless was just a boring sixteen-year-old girl. Then Denver Collins bit her and everything changed. Her plants start talking to her, she finds out she’s a Nymph, and a witch and the angel of death show up at her doorstep to take her away to the prestigious Vala School and Seminary. Oh, and she has no choice in the matter.
J. F. Jenkins is also the author of the Dragon Saga and writes for Astraea Press. She spans a variety of genres including YA, science fiction and romance. You can read her blog and follow her on Twitter (@jfjenkinstweets).
Filed under: Cover Reveal

About Karen Jensen, MLS
Karen Jensen has been a Teen Services Librarian for almost 32 years. She created TLT in 2011 and is the co-editor of The Whole Library Handbook: Teen Services with Heather Booth (ALA Editions, 2014).
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Love the cover! Can't wait to read the book!
Very cool covers! Looks like a great series!
Very cool cover! Sounds like a great series!
Nina, you are the winner of our ebook giveaway. Please email me at so we can get that book to you. Congratulations and thanks for visiting TLT.